
završen projekt egi-ace

Successful Completion of the EGI-ACE Project

The international EGI-ACE project has successfully concluded, with the participation of SRCE, alongside partner institutions GRNET and CNRS, in building, enhancing, and maintaining the ARGO system. EGI-ACE is one of the many projects conducted by the EGI organization, of which SRCE has been a full member since its establishment in 2010.

Posjetitelji DC Borongaj

Open Doors to EU Projects at SRCE – HR-ZOO

SRCE proudly participated in marking the tenth anniversary of the Republic of Croatia's accession to the European Union. On this day, June 30, 2023, we opened the doors of our data centers in Zagreb, Osijek, and Split to all interested visitors, and we conducted a workshop for those who wished to delve deeper into advanced computing, titled "Compute with Supek and Vrančić."